Jane Mowat

  • I have been printing from natural wood for about 30 years now, ever since I moved into my studio in Somerset, near Wiveliscombe. Much of the wood I worked with in the beginning was from the FourAcre Brothers woodyard in Milverton, the subject of photographs by Nicky Saunter in the previous exhibition here; they often had deliveries of hard woods in those days.

  • I like to use wood for my prints because of its unpredictability of surface and shape, as this is what inspires my images. The knots, the wany edges caused by the way the tree was cut, and the grain that runs across all create a unique surface which demand attention, and suggest water, a branch, an eye, or a space where something might happen.

  • I studied the History of Art in London for my degree, and a few years later found myself in rural Somerset. Running water, foliage, and birds especially appear in my prints, perhaps because this is what surrounds my studio, and working with the doors open in most weathers allows the sounds to penetrate my thoughts! I often feel as if I am embedded in a more ancient culture than the present day, as well as nature itself.

  • I mostly print onto fine Japanese papers, and raise the print by hand with the simple technology of a wooden spoon. This is because the wooden planks are often too uneven , or warped, and often far too large for a press.

I have exhibited in the Royal Academy London summer exhibitions, the Royal West of England Academy in Bristol (Open Exhibitions), Atkinson Gallery in Millfield , Mall Galleries, London, Hestercombe in Taunton, East Quay in Watchet, and in many other venues in the SouthWest. I also take part regularly in the Somerset Open Studio and Festival Events.

I run workshops for small groups and individuals at my studio in printmaking and woodcarving.

For more information and to contact me:


Instagram @janemarsmowat9


+44 7946793747